This present thesis aims to investigate the choice of means of transport in Brazil in different life stages and understand when and how these choices are made.  

Résumé :

Everyday thousands of people travel for several aims, such as going to work, study, and many others. The choice of means of transport used in these pathways can be carried out considering the distance, available means, financial cost, preservation of the environment, comfort, etc. This present thesis aims to investigate the choice of means of transport in Brazil in different life stages and understand when and how these choices are made. The thesis is divided into three studies that aim to explore: 1) the reason of Brazilian workers that motivate their mobility choices to go to work, and to examine whether participants have changed their means of transport to go to work during the pandemic and if so how and why; 2) what are the most important factors for first-year undergraduates students that motivate their means of transport; and finally 3) what adolescents (between 15 and 17 years old) consider when they think about the means of transport they will choose in the future (in 10 years). These studies will help us to understand the hierarchy of the factors considered such as sustainability, personal safety issues (protective behavior), etc. when making their mobility choices. Considering that Brazil is one of the countries with the highest emission rates of polluting gases and traffic deaths in the world, such data can contribute to the planning of public policies and campaigns aimed at safer and more sustainable traffic, as well as an environment with less contamination by viral respiratory diseases.

Directrices de Thèse

Patricia Delhomme, directrice de recherche — Université Gustave Eiffel —  Directrice
Samira Bourgeois-Bougrine, maître de conférences HDR — Université Paris Cité – Co-encadrante



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