The LaPEA, the ARPEnv and the LPI are happy to organise the first international Summer School on Individual and Collective actions for the Ecological Transition.


© Pierre Bachlé

5th – 9th of September 2022

Laboratoire de Psychologie et d’Ergonomie Appliquées, Université Paris Cité, Université Gustave Eiffel – Paris (FRANCE)

The Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA, Université Gustave Eiffel, Université Paris Cité Cité), the French Association for Research in Environmental Psychology (ARPEnv) and the Learning Planet Institute (LPI) are happy to organise the first international Summer School on Individual and Collective actions for the Ecological Transition.

The SICET will focus on the analysis and understanding of the social, cognitive and more in general psychological levers and barriers to individual and collective actions in favour of the ecological transition. The summer school will provide PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers with the opportunity to collaborate and discuss with international senior scholars and practitioners, about the social and emotional regulation of individual and collective pro-environmental behaviours.  During the Summer School there will be keynote lectures, thematic parallel workshops (each participant chooses one of them at a later date), and an additional methodological workshops on measuring emotions.

Each day will present a mix of key note lectures, workshops, and presentations of the research projects of the participants to get feedback.
The key note lectures over the first three days will concern the actions needed, at an individual and collective level, to respond to environmental crises, the socio-cognitive levers pushing individuals to engage at an individual and collective level, the role of individual and collective emotions, the influence of culture. The last two days of the school will be dedicated to how to make science for and with society, including discussions about citizen science and Living Labs.
Some of our keynote speakers include: Prof. S. Bamberg (University of Applied Science Bielefel, Germany), Prof. P. Schmidt ( University of Gieße, Germany), Dr. S. Krauth-Gruber (Université Paris Cité, France), Dr. Charles Ogunbgode (University of Nottingham, UK).

To be able to participate in the summer school, please fill in the Application Form below In the Application Form you will be asked information about your research and your motivation to participate. Once you have filled in the Application Form, please send us a short CV (two pages max, including two referees that we could contact for reference) via email to the following address:
Please consider that if you are a Ph.D. student, we require you to ask your supervisor for his/her agreement to your application.
Your application will be reviewed by the scientific committee, which will give you a decision by the end of May.
APPLICATION FORM: SICET 2022: Summer school on Individual and Collective actions for the Ecological Transition 

Important dates:
May 27th 2022 Submission deadline to apply to participate in the Summer School
June 10th 2022 Decisions regarding admissions
July 31st 2022 Participation fee payment deadline

This includes participation to the workshops and activities during the Summer School (workshops, keynote lectures, trips and gala dinner) as well as lunch and coffee breaks from Monday to Friday.
Fee DOES NOT cover travelling costs / tickets, accomodation or dinner during the Summer School.
Participants in difficult economic situation can apply for partial re-imbursement of the fee. For more information, please contact



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