Séminaire: The role of emotional intelligence in career development A systematic review and meta-analytic approach

Ce séminaire présente l’intérêt d’analyser l’intelligence émotionnelle dans le cadre de l’orientation et l’étude des variables vocationnelles.

Vendredi 5 novembre 2021

Abstract :

Emotional intelligence refers to the individual differences in the identification, comprehension, expression, regulation, and utilization of one’s own emotion and the emotion of others. Although this concept has already been the subject of several meta-analytical investigations with regard to mental and physical health, work performance, or social relationships, the interest of researchers in vocational psychology has been developed only over the last ten years. To date, no study has already summarized the link between emotional intelligence and career-related outcomes. The present presentation will be about the project of a systematic review and meta-analysis on this topic. More specifically, we will present the different steps of such a project and the first results.

Biosketch du chercheur:

Thomas Pirsoul is a research and teaching assistant at the faculty of educational and psychological sciences at the UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. He is currently doing his Ph.D. thesis on the role of emotional intelligence in career development. He also has expertise in job burnout.

Liens vers papiers ou site du chercheur :

Link: https://uclouvain.be/fr/repertoires/thomas.pirsoul

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