Our research objective is to define if Creative Ecosystems are the confluence of knowledge, perceptions, emotions, and motivations that individuals experience as they engage with and make sense of their social environments and connections.
Résumé :
Creativity is an incredibly complex phenomenon, explored from multiple fields and in an array of perspectives across time. With the increasing complexity of possible perspectives to address it, some researchers proposed a model to synthesize creativity as a whole system made of different components (Rhodes, 1961; Glaveanu, 2013; Lubart, 2017). Gruber (1981) said that “without any one of a number of vital organs, the individual dies; without any one of a number of vital components, an argument fails” (p.5). So, what are the “vital organs” of creativity? Considering creativity as a dynamic “set of distinct components with specified relationships” (Stahl & Brower, 2020, p.464), distinct components for creativity were analyzed according to the Evolving Systems Approach (Gruber, 1988), Investment Theory (Sternberg & Lubart, 1991), and Componential Theory (Amabile, 2013). Thus, the use of this technique seems particularly suited to our research objective, which is to define if Creative Ecosystems are the confluence of knowledge, perceptions, emotions, and motivations that individuals experience as they engage with and make sense of their social environments and connections.
Keywords: creativity; predictors; creative processes; sociocultural perspective.
Directeur de Thèse
Todd Lubart, Professeur des Universités — Université Paris Cité — Directeur
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/felipezamana/
ResearchGate – https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Felipe-Zamana
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