Oct 22, 2020 | Séminaire
Jeudi 22 octobre 2020 Based on: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2018.00458/full Abstract The vagal tank theory, building on neurophysiological, cognitive and social psychology approaches, will introduce a physiological indicator for self-regulation...
Fév 27, 2020 | Séminaire
Jeudi 27 février 2020 Title: The Attitude towards Objects in Spatial Contexts Abstract People must evaluate places for successfully navigating the environment. One’s attitude toward places depends on the intrinsic properties of places, but also on their...
Déc 19, 2019 | Séminaire
Le 19 décembre 2019 How is the aid sector using VR to transform Safeguarding culture? Christophe Mallet, co-founder of the soft skills VR simulator BODYSWAPS will present the case study and demo of Safeguarding VR. Developed with the Humanitarian...
Nov 21, 2019 | Séminaire
Jeudi 21 novembre 2019 Abstract Les accidents de Three Mile Island (1979) et de Tchernobyl (1986) ont permis de mettre en exergue les comportements humains comme le maillon faible du système homme-machine dans le nucléaire. Depuis lors, les comportements sont...
Oct 17, 2019 | Séminaire
Jeudi 17 octobre 2019 Participants will be invited to a 5 minutes embodied VR experience designed to help teachers to step into the shoes of a student with dyslexia during a class at mid-highschool. This film is part of ROJET REVE – a prototype developed in...
Oct 17, 2019 | Séminaire
Jeudi 17 octobre 2019 Abstract Using two earned income/tax declaration experimental designs we show that only partial liars are affected by a truth-telling oath, a non-price commitment device. Under oath, we see no change in the number of chronic liars and...