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Eduarda Bannach





Thèmes de recherche 

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the choice of means of transport in Brazil: A research based on the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior.

The choice of means of transport can be made based on several factors such as financial cost, environment preservation, travel time, etc., but currently, a new factor may be being considered for this choice: the risk of contracting Covid-19. Therefore, the research aims to understand the choice of means of transport of adult people, using the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. The main hypothesis is that people changed transportation modes during the pandemic period, in order to reduce Covid-19 risks. First of all, 32 online interviews were conducted with people who are working in person in a Brazilian city (Curitiba). These interviewed people went to work using car, rideshare app, bus, motorcycle, bicycle, electric scooter, electric bicycle, skateboard, company van or on foot. Such interviews will allow us to understand what are the antecedents of choosing a particular means of transport, that is, what are the behavioral attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control that involve this choice. Then, based on these results, an electronic search will be performed twice: April 2021 (T1) and April or September 2022 (T2), depending on when the critical pandemic situation ends. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee and it is in the data collection phase.

Mots-clés : Pandemic, modes of transport, Theory of Planned Behavior

Supervisors: Patricia Delhomme (main supervisor), Samira Bourgeois-Bougrine (co-supervior) and Alessandra Sant’Anna Bianchi (co-supervisor).



– Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture :

Bannach, E. L., & Bianchi, A., S. (2020). Teste Palográfico: Desafios para Formação em Avaliação Psicológica [Palographic test: Challenges for training in psychological evaluation]. Avaliação Psicológica, 19(4), 400-408. http://dx.doi.org/10.15689/ap.2020.1904.18487.06

– Chapitres d’ouvrage :

Bannach, E. L. (2020). Cinto de Segurança: sem desculpas para não usar [Seat Belt: no excuse to not wear]. In A. S. Bianchi (Ed.), Conversando sobre trânsito no Ensino Médio (pp. 15-24). Editora CRV. https://editoracrv.com.br/livrosdigitais/livro.html


– Orales et affichées dans des colloques nationaux et internationaux

Bannach, E. L., & Bianchi, A. S. (2020, October 27-30). A avaliação da personalidade como medida de segurança aos mais vulneráveis no trânsito: os psicólogos estão prestando atenção na literatura da área? [Conference session]. 50a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia, online.

Bannach, E. L., & Bianchi, A. S. (2018, June 26-30). “I drive well, the problem is the other”: a study about the self-assessment of the ability to drive [Poster presentation]. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.



Currently, I teach in the undergraduate Psychology course of the Midwestern State University (Brazil): Organizational Psychology, Work Psychology, Internship Supervision in Institutions and Organizations, Psychological Examination Techniques and Research guidance. Hours per week: 14h.