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Cloé Brami




Thèmes de recherche 

Title: Expanding emotional competencies during medical school: the necessity to consider both well-being and self-awareness in order to improve healthcare.

Dedication to serving the interest of the patient is at the heart of medicine’s contract with society. Moreover, medicine is an intrinsically demanding profession at high risk for burnout affecting patient-centered care.  In order to propose interdisciplinary programs, centered on humanism, addressing medical students’ well-being will benefit patients of these future doctors and the healthcare system.  We hypothesis that mindfulness meditation modulate interpersonal component that might increase well-being. Our project will explore 1/ the link between mindfulness meditation and emotional competencies in medical training 2/ test methods of learning based on mindfulness meditation. Will be included: medical students and resident. We’ll focus on emotional component as 1/ Emotional Intelligence & Empathy 2/ Mindfulness & Awareness 3/ Wellbeing & Stress 4/Workplaces condition and management 5/Coping strategies (lifestyles behaviors). In second step, we’ll design an interventional prospective quantitative ((a) self-report questionnaires)) and qualitative controlled study in order to test different learning program using mindfulness. This project will allow the learner to participate to its health helping to design new programs according to their needs on an optimum moment. This interdisciplinary research combining human science, psychology, and learning science will participate to cultural change in medical training of the doctor of tomorrow to put well-being at its heart.

Mots-clés : Empathy – Mindfulness – Meditation – emotional competencies – medical student – care



Chargée de mission HealthLab CRI-Université Paris Descartes.

Responsable de l’enseignement « pleine conscience et médecine » depuis 2018 à l’université de medecine Paris Descartes.

Co-investigateur avec le Pr Lemogne de l’étude Must-Prevent coordonnées par le CHU de Montpellier.

Coordination et enseignements de programmes de meditation MBSR dans le cadre du projet « themindfulapotek » au HealthLAB.



  • Orales et affichées dans des colloques nationaux et internationaux

>International conference on mindfulness Danemark June 2020

  • Séminaires et conférences invitées

>Colloque “L’indiscipline des humanités médicales » universités de Bordeaux, le CHU, l’université de Lisbonne et l’université Columbia. Mars 2020.




  • module pleine conscience et médecine – Paris Descartes
  • DU empathie, relation de soin, burnout , université Paris Sorbonne
  • Master student @CRI
  • Rencontres perspectives « émotion et empathie dans le soin »
  • Cancérologie integrative et mindfulness : Infogyn Octobre 2019/ Colloque cancérologie integrative Dunkerque Décembre 2019/ HealthLAb – AERIO février 2020/